Quotes by Topper Harley: Hot Shots!
Topper: Mrs. Thompson, I know you must hate me right now but there's something I want you to have. I've been putting a little away for the past ten years. It's not much. 2500. I wish I could do more.
Mrs. Thompson: Why, Topper. That's so sweet. Why, with the three million that I won on this Lucky Lotto ticket, I can take this 2500 and just blow it all on hats.
Topper: Those are some long legs...
Ramada: I just had them lengthened. Now they go all the way up.
I've fallen for you like a blind roofer.
Topper: Interesting perfume.
Ramada: It's Vicks. I have a cold.
You have the whitest white part of the eyes I've ever seen. Do you floss?
Showing 5 quotes.