Futurama Season 5 Episode 12: Spanish Fry

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First aired on July 13, 2003

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Fry is abducted by aliens, who harvest his nose as an aphrodisiac. The crew traces Fry's missing nose to Lrrr, leader of the Omicronians, who decides that Fry's "lower horn" would be a much better aphrodisiac to jump start his stagnant marriage with Ndnd.


You're on a scenic route through a state recreational area known as the human mind. You ask a passer-by for directions, only to find he has no face or something. Suddenly up ahead, a door in the road. You swerve, narrowly avoiding The Scary Door.

One of these days, Ndnd. Bang! Zoom! Straight to the third moon of Omicron Persei 8!

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