The Good Place Season 2 Episode 1: Everything Is Great!
First aired on Sept. 20, 2017
Search for The Good Place - Everything Is Great! on Amazon
Having had their memories erased by ambitious master architect Michael, Eleanor, Chidi, Tahani and Jason again settle into the Good Place, unaware of what has previously transpired...except that Eleanor discovers the one clue she had left for herself and attempts to piece things together.
Are you going to talk? Or just walk around like a nerd trying to get a personal best on his Fitbit?
Tomás: Are you alright, my dear?
Tahani: Yes! It's just that I'm not used to dressing like a plumberess. Is that what you call a female plumber or is a toilet sweep or, or clog wench? In any case, that's how I'm dressed.
Tomás: My darling, you are in the Good Place. Relax. Feel the breeze on your feet. That's why crocs have holes in them!
This is fun. It's a fun party. There's no question about it, this is a fun ... situation. Hey! You guys are here! The fun continues, nay, increases!
Chidi: So, making decisions isn't exactly my strong suit.
Michael: I know that, buddy. You once had a panic attack at a make-your-own sundae bar.
Chidi: There were too many toppings. And very early in the process you had to commit to a chocolate palate or a fruit palate and if you couldn't decide you wound up with kiwi, junior mint, raisin, and it just ruins everybody's night.
It's a rare occurrence, like a double rainbow. Or like someone on the Internet saying, "You know what? You've convinced me I was wrong."
Chidi: No way! Soul mates are real?
Michael: They sure are. Although your soul mate situation is a little unusual.
Chidi: Oh, no! I don't have one, do I? That's fine, I mean, who needs a soul mate, anyway? My soul mate will be ... books!
People are like nature's apps!
Showing 8 quotes.Why don't I ever listen to people when they talk about themselves? No, it's annoying, and I'm right not to.