The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 17: My Big Fat Geek Wedding

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First aired on April 18, 2004

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Principal Seymour Skinner and Ms. Edna Krabappel are finally getting married. Edna has a great bachelorette party at the Simpson house, featuring Duffman and a top-less Chief Wiggum; meanwhile at Seymour's bachelor party at Moe's, he confesses to Homer the fact that he is getting cold feet. When the actual event is about to occur, Edna has second thoughts; feeling that Seymour has never been on board with this whole idea all along. Edna runs from the ceremony. Unknowingly both Homer and Marge are each with the pair in an attempt to get them back together. The attempt fails when the state of Homer and Marge's own marriage gets in the way. Edna returns a gift to the Comic Book Guy. She becomes charmed by his banter and agrees to accompany him to lunch. Homer tries having Seymour serenade Edna, but they discover she's seeing Comic Book Guy. The family goes to Bi-Mon-Sci-Fi-Con to try to keep Edna from making a big mistake. After seeing Futurama creator Matt Groening, they find Edna being proposed to by a Klingon clad Comic Book Guy. Seymour enters wearing a Catwoman outfit and begins battling Comic Book Guy. Edna stops the fight, and tells the pair that neither man is for her. Now Homer must make some amends to Marge to keep his marriage together.


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