Parks and Recreation Season 3 Episode 4: Ron and Tammy II
First aired on Feb. 10, 2011
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Tom tries to get back at Ron by going out on a date with Ron's ex-wife Tammy, while Leslie tries to protect Ron from falling prey to her charms. Meanwhile, April is assigned to work with Chris.
Ben: Should we throw in some salads for a healthy option?
Tom: Wow, don't be such a Jerry, Ben.
Leslie: Yeah, Ben. These guys are cops. Not ballerinas.
Leslie: Calzones are like pizzas but they're harder to eat. They're dumb. And so was that idea.
Ben: Seriously?
Tom: This is embarrassing for you.
I'd like you to get me some more post-its. I'd like them in multiple colors. I'd like green. I'd like yellow. Do not buy orange. I do not want orange. I have plenty of orange.
I haven't felt this good in years. And it's not just because of the supplements he has me taking and the soluble fiber and the increase in regularity. It's him.
Look I love you like a brother. But right now I hate you. Like my actual brother, Levandrious, who I hate.
Calzones are pointless. They're just pizza that's harder to eat. No one likes them. Good day, sir.
Showing 7 quotes.I know Tammy seems scary, but really she's just a manipulative, psychotic, library book pedaling, sex crazed she-demon.